PSND goes Digital!

PSND Digital Project logo: Three WiFi lines on top of the PSND logo symbolizes a mission to strengthen the society’s connectivity and digital presence side by side with sharp font text of PSND and DIGITAL reflecting a solid strategy to scale up efforts of the society in this mission. 

In light of the current global pandemic of novel coronavirus disease or Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians (PSND) is pushed to improve its digital capability. True to its mission in advancing and strengthening the competencies of nutrition and dietetics professionals through scientific nutrition education in responding to public issues and nutrition concerns, the organization is now transitioning to the digital world. 

“PSND continue to evolve to the new normal and improve its effort to digitize services for the convenience of our members and the public, this includes online membership application and payment, updating of the society’s website, staging of webinars, conduct of virtual convention and online elections among others.” – Dr. Leila S. Africa, PSND President

“The organization offers competencies online in PSND’s digital platform such as the organization’s website, Facebook page, Zoom video conferencing and among other platforms. The objective of the PSND Digital Project is to strengthen the online presence of PSND to support the achievement of the society’s vision, mission, objectives and activities offering quality and affordable if not free virtual events to its stakeholders.” -Daniel G. Salunga, PSND Public Relations Officer and PSND Digital Project Head

PSND Digital Project was launched on June 20, 2020 which includes the historic staging of the society’s first ever webinar dubbed as “Webinar on Weekend” or WoW!. PSND WoW is one if not the pioneering webinar in the nutrition and dietetics profession. WoW is a two-hour seminar or lecture session online about nutrition and nutrition related concerns and updates. The webinar is held on a weekend afternoon to cater most of the PSND members and the public. First episode of WoW was unprecedented as the registration quota of 500 participants was reached in just less than two hours of opening. Nutrition and mental health were the focus of the first episode, while the second episode showcased the resilience and tenacity of RNDs in the frontlines specifically in the hospital setting. WoW episodes will continue to be held and will be scheduled throughout the year. 

Another umbrella project of the PSND Digital is the conduct of the first virtual convention and online election of the society scheduled on September 05 and 12, 2020. Due to the situation, the annual convention which was staged to happen face-to-face was transformed into a virtual convention. The theme for this year’s convention “PUSH Nutrition: PSND Unravels Solutions for Health and Nutrition” focuses on innovative solutions to the challenges brought about by the circumstance we are now experiencing.

PSND hopes that the organization’s efforts to scale up its digital presence will not only provide opportunities for learning but also uplift the members grit in promoting good health and nutrition particularly in these trying times. The Society calls on its members especially the RNDs to unite as one in serving the country through genuine and selfless service to the profession. 

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