PSND Call for Nominations for BOD for 2021 to 2020

Calling all interested, willing and passionate PSND members to serve the profession through a leadership position at PSND!

If you have an active membership status valid until 05 September 2020 you can nominate and be nominated, self nomination is also allowed. Click the link for nomination and other relevant information:

Deadline of nomination and submission of documents is on or before 5pm of 15 August 2020 for inquiries and other concerns, message us through

Due to the end of term of the incumbent PSND Board of Directors by 31 December 2020, the PSND, Inc. through its Committee on Election is seeking nominations for fifteen (15) PSND qualified members to contribute to the leadership of the organization.

The term of office of the BOD is two (2) years with one re-election making a total of 4-year term.

Only qualified (regular or associate members) and with active PSND membership status valid until 05 Sep. 2020 may nominate and be nominated.

If you are willing to serve the PSND Board for the term 2021 to 2022, accomplish in full the nomination/candidacy form.

Election shall be held online in the afternoon/evening of  05 September 2020 during the virtual PSND Convention.

A voting link and unique voting code shall be issued to all regular and associate PSND members with active membership status as of day of election via email on or before 05 Sep. 2020.

The fifteen (15) candidates who received the highest number of votes shall compose the Board of Directors for the term 2021-2022.

Posted in Featured, News.

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