Seminar on Soy Protein Utilization and Health | July 13, 2023 | Manila Hilton Hotel

We are delighted to extend the upcoming “Seminar on Soy Protein Utilization and Health” organized by US Soybean Export Council (USSEC) Southeast Asia and Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians (PSND), Inc. The seminar aims to highlight the benefits of soy in food production, nutrition, overall health, and well-being. We would like to invite you this July 13, 2023 (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM) at Manila Hilton Hotel to explore current research, trends, and innovative applications related to soy utilization coming from the experts in the field.  Continue reading


We invite submissions of abstracts for the 2023 PSND Annual Convention, centered around the theme “Our Food Systems in Crisis: An Urgent Call for Multi-sectoral Response Towards Safe and Affordable Diets for All Filipinos”.  

The 2023 PSND Annual Convention aims to provide a platform for graduate students and researchers at any stage of their careers to present their work (either through poster or oral presentations) in diverse fields, including Public Health and Community Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Service Management, Food Science and Technology, and Food and Nutrition Systems.  

 For submission guidelines, kindly scan the QR Code or access through the following link: 

Election of PSND Board of Directors for 2023-2024

The 2022 PSND Convention with the theme “NUTRITION NOW! Emboldened by Lessons, Innovations and Partnerships”, builds around the key themes of resilience, the synergy of actions and data-driven decision making. For PSND, Nutrition Now! embodies resilience from various shocks and stressors in our institutions and systems and our collective capability to adapt to changing times, data-driven decision-making to capture the hierarchical, complexity, and interdisciplinarity of various challenges, and synergy of actions to tackle challenges that have threatened our collective vision of food and nutrition secured Filipinos.

We are having the election of PSND Board of Directors for 2023-2024 along with the 50th milestone Anniversary Convention. You will be able to exercise your right as a member of the PSND, Inc. With this, we are calling all interested, willing, and passionate PSND members to serve the profession through a leadership position at PSND, Inc. Active PSND members are those who have a certificate of membership valid until 24 September 2022 and onwards. All colleagues from diverse fields of ND practice are very much welcome. You can nominate, be nominated and self nominate.

Kindly go to this GFORM to proceed with the guidelines and nomination. You may send the required documents enumerated below to until 21 August 2022,  on or before 5:00pm PH time.

Thank you for your continued support in the development and enrichment of the ND profession in the country.Continue reading

Food Security and Nutrition in the Philippines amidst Climate Change and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Around a billion people go to sleep hungry despite peasants producing enough food to feed 1.5 times our global population. This is the result of decades of corporate domination in the food systems supply chain, and not something that can be easily fixed by ‘innovations’ or ‘inclusivity’ defined by the same global elite that has extracted profits from a basic human need—food.

The Covid-19 pandemic both exposed the structural flaws of the global food systems and underscored the urgent need for a truly essential transformation.

We are yet again at a critical turning point in transforming food and worldwide.  It should not be just because the United Nations and intergovernmental processes decided to adopt a supposedly “food systems approach” in transforming the sector.

An unjust, inequitable, unhealthy and unsustainable food system brought about by global monopolies in agricultural production and trade, by decades of global land grabs and environmental devastation intended for profit, by unequal treaties and agreements like those under the WTO, by neoliberal reforms bankrolled by the IMF-WB, by national policies that perpetuate corporate and landlord control of land and agricultural trade, and proliferation of capitalist farms at the expense of smallholder producers and landless rural peoples. This is colonialism in action, with its laws and inherent contradictions underlying the anarchic and wasteful production and consumption of the world’s food.Continue reading

The PSND Webinar on Weekends (WoW)! : Year Two

The PSND Webinar on Weekend (WoW), now in its year 2, aims to strengthen the virtual connection among PSND members despite the pandemic. Join us this month of August, as we present the PSND WoW Episodes 1 and 2.

Join us live on the 14th of August, 9:30 to 11:30 am at the PSND, Inc. Facebook page and Zoom, with our guest speakers, Dr. Antonio Dans and Dr. Mary Christine Castro. Register using this LINK  for free. See the poster for details.

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Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitian, Inc. supports BolunTurismo PH and Sulat Kamay in various Socio-Civic Activities

PSND, Inc never backs down from helping out fellow Filipinos in whatever way possible. For the past two years, they have been actively supporting socio-civic activities spearheaded by BolunTurismo PH and Sulat Kamay.

From 2018 to 2019, the organization provided school bags for the project entitled Surat Mangyan Project. This annual activity aims to provide educational materials and school supplies to children from various Mangyan tribes in Occidental Mindoro.

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PSND Call for Nominations for BOD for 2021 to 2020

Calling all interested, willing and passionate PSND members to serve the profession through a leadership position at PSND!

If you have an active membership status valid until 05 September 2020 you can nominate and be nominated, self nomination is also allowed. Click the link for nomination and other relevant information:

Deadline of nomination and submission of documents is on or before 5pm of 15 August 2020 for inquiries and other concerns, message us through psndelect@gmail.comContinue reading

PSND goes Digital!

PSND Digital Project logo: Three WiFi lines on top of the PSND logo symbolizes a mission to strengthen the society’s connectivity and digital presence side by side with sharp font text of PSND and DIGITAL reflecting a solid strategy to scale up efforts of the society in this mission. 

In light of the current global pandemic of novel coronavirus disease or Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians (PSND) is pushed to improve its digital capability. True to its mission in advancing and strengthening the competencies of nutrition and dietetics professionals through scientific nutrition education in responding to public issues and nutrition concerns, the organization is now transitioning to the digital world. Continue reading