PSND, Inc. donates bags to BolunTurismo PH

What used to be a convention surplus to some turned out to be school bags for others.

This year, the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietiatians, Inc. (PSND, Inc.) came up with a new way of using the excess convention bags—something far away from the ordinary. PSND partnered with BolunTurismo PH to use the excess bags for the school supplies for children living in far-flung areas in the province of Romblon. The activity was conducted last 26-30 May 2017.

Out of the 290 children who benefitted from the donations, 73 children received school supplies placed inside the PSND bags while other children received bags from different donors. These bags were given to children in Sibuyan Island and Canduyong Elementary School who have to walk for approximately 1 to 2 hours going to school and another 1-2 hours going back home. Thus, a sturdy bag, instead of their usual plastic bag will be very helpful to transport their school supplies safely from their homes in the mountains down to their schools.  Most of these children belong to indigenous groups.


It is very common during conventions to provide bags to participants– bags which house the convention materials, and even freebies from sponsors. Usually, organizations are ensuring that there will be a certain quantity of bags, which serve as buffer for participants doing on-site registrations. After the convention, some bags were left as excess and were sometimes given as gifts to other colleagues who were not able to attend the convention. But this time, PSND’s excess buffer bags went a long way and even travelled 20 hours by land and by sea to be more useful.

Ms. Elaine Faith Gonzales of BolunTurismo PH highlighted that PSND doesn’t just donated bags but rather, helped in providing hope to the children of Romblon.  BolunTurismo PH is a socio-civic organization for children composed of young professionals with the aim of providing support to the educational and health needs of children living in far-flung areas. This partnership with BolunTurismo PH about the convention bags is a proof that PSND truly values service to the Filipinos which may go beyond the ND profession.

PSND can now attest that convention bags can be very useful not just for convention participants, but even to needy children, which in a way, can be very helpful in their schooling and in achieving their dreams.  So, next time you receive a convention bag, why not think of unconventional ways of using it, or better yet—-donate!

Posted in News.

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