PSND Call for Nominations for BOD for 2021 to 2020

Calling all interested, willing and passionate PSND members to serve the profession through a leadership position at PSND!

If you have an active membership status valid until 05 September 2020 you can nominate and be nominated, self nomination is also allowed. Click the link for nomination and other relevant information:

Deadline of nomination and submission of documents is on or before 5pm of 15 August 2020 for inquiries and other concerns, message us through psndelect@gmail.comContinue reading

PSND goes Digital!

PSND Digital Project logo: Three WiFi lines on top of the PSND logo symbolizes a mission to strengthen the society’s connectivity and digital presence side by side with sharp font text of PSND and DIGITAL reflecting a solid strategy to scale up efforts of the society in this mission. 

In light of the current global pandemic of novel coronavirus disease or Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians (PSND) is pushed to improve its digital capability. True to its mission in advancing and strengthening the competencies of nutrition and dietetics professionals through scientific nutrition education in responding to public issues and nutrition concerns, the organization is now transitioning to the digital world. Continue reading

PSND Unravels Solutions for Health and Nutrition for 2020 Virtual Convention

#PSND2020Convention #Virtual PUSH Nutrition: PSND Unravels Solutions for Health and Nutrition

When the new decade unfolds before us this 2020, we were overwhelmed by the news every week including the Taal Volcano Eruption; Polio outbreak; growing mental health concerns among youth; bush fires on Australia, Indonesia and the Amazon; and of course the emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic. These events escalated our uncertainties which affected our decisions in planning, implementation of plans and ways forward in the future. However, one thing that matters in all these uncertainties is the importance of good health and proper nutrition. This year in time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new normal condition the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians (PSND), Inc. choose the theme PUSH Nutrition: PSND Unravels Solutions for Health and Nutrition to discuss ways, approaches and strategies in the pursuit of maintaining and improving proper health and nutrition in times of the new normal. This year we will also elect a new set of PSND Officers for 2021-2022. We hope that this annual convention, which for the first time will be undertaken virtually, will not only provide you with relevant information, may it also uplift our drive in promoting proper health and nutrition particularly in trying times.