PSND Inc. in 43rd FNRI Seminar Series

FNRI-DOST shared its recent results from its completed research on food and nutrition to stakeholders, partners, and end-users on 3-5 July 2017 through its annual seminar series. PSND INc. officers and BODs (Riza G. Abilgos-Ramos of the PhilRice, Daniel G. Salunga and Abigail A. Pabro of NNC, and Leah M. Felismino of FAO) were among the invited participants together withDr. Corazon VC. Barba, former FNRI Director and PSND, Inc. adviser.

The two-and-a-half-day event featured panel discussion on the use of healthy plate or Pinggang Pinoy, plenary sessions on food and beverage intakes of Filipinos, technical sessions on nutrition policies and interventions, food product development and safety, and interactive sessions for local health workers among others.Continue reading